Budget 2018: Here’s an income tax calculator for 2018-19
※ Download: Income tax calculator ay 2018-19 excel
Now CPS is deducting from all employees for the arrears accrued and deducted the same in the financial year in which the arrears are paid. Agricultural Income: If one has only only agricultural income, then it is fully exempt from income tax. Generally payment done towards any technical course fee, certification etc done to enhance professional knowledge can be reimbursed. Therefore, the Tax rate should be calculated carefully.
Internet Expenses — Employer may also provide reimbursement of internet expenses and thus this would become non taxable. So, it is best option to use the Income Tax calculator to calculate the taxable Income within few seconds.
Budget 2018: Here’s an income tax calculator for 2018-19 - Do share your views in the comment section. So total I pay 41 thousand per month.
Download Tax Calculator for FY 2017-18 Income tax for individual is what most tax payers want to know in Budget. In Budget 2017, the finance minister has made little changes to this. Changes in Income Tax Rules: 1. Tax reduced from 10% to 5% for Income from Rs 2,50,000 — Rs 5,00,000 leading to tax saving of up to Rs 12,500. For people with net taxable income below Rs 3. NO RGESS Tax exemption from FY 2017-18 5. Sir, The income tax calculator is awesome. Non-finance people like me also can easily understand. You did a great job. I am buying a flat this month and registration will be done before 30th March 2018. I understand my first emi falls next year so there is no problem with that, but I am concerned on the additional benefit of Rs. Do I need to claim this additional amount this year itself or I can claim in the next financial year? Hi Ashish, I did my tax planning last year with help of your Tax Planning Excel, let me thanks to you for your help. Can you please add monthwise salary template which you had previousely? Please update this excel if possible ………..
Do share your views in the comment section. Tax rates for Individual assesses are same as previous financial year 2017-18. There is a provision for additional calculation of Income tax on arrears post. What is Education Cess. So total I pay 41 thousand per month. If there are any deductions that you want to claim, you need to enter those values in the Income Tax Calculator under deductions field. Children education allowance: Per school going child 1200 per annum is non-taxable. The steps for filing online form No. The deductions are made based on the above rates.